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5. User Interface

Finally we would like to introduce the reader to SCARLET'S user interface, which is a window surface created under Motif. It permits us to watch and to control the simulation.

Unlike many other software packages concerned with CA, SCARLET does not restrict CA to having only a few states, which are during the simulation often shown as coloured dots on the screen, but supports the usage of complex data types and state structures. Because of that fact SCARLET generally displays the whole state information (or parts of it) as defined in the program.

Because we do not know to which degree the reader knows how to handle the X11 window system, this chapter contains both, a short description of the most important SCARLET interface functions as well as a detailled one to refer to in case there are still unanswered questions. In every case you should try to first explore the features of the user interface on your own, and only consult the manual, if troubles arise.

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