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Consequence Part (Consequence)

The consequence parts of the entries contain in fact the most important actions for the evolution of the CA's configuration. But they are only executed, if the belonging ConditionPart has been executed before, and all its boolean expressions have been evaluated to TRUE (compare with the paragraph above).

Consequence - Syntax:

Syntax: Consequence

In addition to the already known variable assignments

VarAssignment ;

we also find assignments to the generic cell SELF in Consequence.

SelfAssignment ;

(The semicolon are not a part of these assignment units, but of the syntax of Consequence to separate them from each other.) Order and amount of those units are arbitrary.

As in ConditionPart the order of their occurence is also the order of evaluation. Variables are updated immediately as well, but not the value of the generic cell! Because of the simultaneity of events the sites are only updated after a full simulation step.

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