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2.9.1 Accessing Symbolic Constants and Variables

CellIdentifier.IntRegIdentifier (IntReg)
CellIdentifier.StringRegIdentifier (StringReg)

Objects like this, which have their origin in variables or symbolic constants of type CELL (CellIdentifier), could be treated like normal variables or symbolic constants of type INT or STRING, because by IntRegIdentifier and StringRegIdentifier a projection on a register with that label is realized. These objects exist in RDL as well as in SDL. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to declare them separately as isolated integer or string objects, they can only be defined as cell objects.

Example 24:




VAR CELL a_variable;

CONST a_constant = {5,"nothing special"};

a_variable.str = a_constant.str;

a_variable.num = a_constant.num * 3;

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