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2.3 Identifiers (Identifier)

Whenever we want to label a new object, we are in need of an identifier. Such objects are usually symbolic constants or variables, but in SCARLET also registers, and neighbours, and finally the retina, and the local rule function themselves. In order to make clear which kind of object they shall label in further syntax diagrams, identifiers are often not simply called Identifier but somehow different (i.e., IntConstantIdentifier, StringRegIdentifier, ...) Below we give a summary of all non-terminal symbols that are actually just identifiers and what they label.

Non-terminal SymbolUsed for ...
IntIdentifier, IntConstantIdentifier symbolic integer constants
StringIdentifier, StringConstantIdentifier symbolic string constants
BoolIdentifier, BoolConstantIdentifier symbolic boolean constants
CellIdentifier, CellConstantIdentifier symbolic cell constants
IntVar, Identifierinteger variables
StringVar, Identifierstring variables
BoolVar, Identifierboolean variables
CellVar, Identifiercell variables
StringRegIdentifier, Identifierstring registers
IntRegIdentifier, Identifierinteger registers
Identifierlocal rule tables

Ensure that the same identifier is not used twice for different objects within the same program.

Identifier - Syntax:

Syntax: Identifier

Legal identifiers consist of (at least one) capital or small letters (Letter), dashes, or digits (Digit). It is not allowed to use a digit at the beginning!

Here, too, the compiler will not distinguish between capital and small letters.

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